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    Carbon M2

    M1/M2 printers are the true workhorses of labs around the world.

    – Accelerate time to market with functional prototypes for volume production in a single system.
    – Accelerate DLSTM production with high throughput
    – Part quality, accuracy and consistency.

    Logo Carbon


    Accelerate your product development

    Go from prototype to production on the same machine. Offering speed, accuracy, and a medium build platform size, the M2 is well suited for a wide range of applications. It is our highest resolution printer and is ideal for smaller parts with intricate features such as threading or internal channels.

    Produce at the Right Volumes

    The M2 allows for cost-effective production with no minimum volumes.

    Speed Up Production

    The M2 has a built-in print planner that optimizes every build, assigning variable print speeds to match the part’s needs.

    XY; Z resolution* 75 µm; 25, 50 or 100 µm
    Layer thickness Layerless, isotropic parts
    General Accuracy** Up to ±70 μm + 1 μm per mm dimension size
    Production Repeatability** Up to ±40 μm
    Build volume 189 x 118 x 326 mm
    * Z resolution is adjustable from single digit microns to multiple hundred microns, and can be optimized through working with Carbon on your target application.
    ** For more information about accuracy.

    Excellent Real-World Performance with Every Part

    The M2 Printer is a consistent, reliable printing platform that brings 3D printed production parts like these to life:

    Dentsply Sirona Lucitone Digital Print™: Dentures

    Paragon: Peaky Shielder

    ARaymond: Trim Clip Fastener Button

    Dentsply Sirona Lucitone Digital Print™: Denture

    Fast Radius: Heat Exchanger

    Loving Eyes Foundation: Custom Spectacles

    Dentca: Temporary Crowns and Bridges

    Alta Motors: Diagnostic Housing

    Soundz: Tweeter Housing Unit

    BD: Hemocytometer Adapter

    NASA via The Technology House: High Performance Thruster

    MyFit Solutions: Customized Earbud Tips



    Logo Carbon
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