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    Magics Sinter Module

    Materialise Magics Sinter Module is an intelligent, very fast 3D printing software that offers a wide range of advanced tools and options in order to optimize your prints, protect small parts, indicate non building areas and print on multiple machines.

    ¿Why choose the Materialise Magics Sinter module?

    • Improve the quality of the produced parts
      The use of the cut distribution graphic allows to optimize and equalize the distribution of the material achieving the maximum quality.
    • Optimize your 3D printer’s capacity
      Get the best distribution of parts by using different printers or producing a large quantity of parts.
    • Improve delivery times
      With Sinter Module you can create more parts in less time or add last minute orders while the printer is in use without risk of failure.
    • Make it easy to quote jobs
      With Sinter Module you can calculate the representative production volume of an order in such a way as to provide a more accurate offer.
    • Make your business profitable
      Sinter Module allows you to increase the density of the parts produced and the profitability of the printer while reducing waste and dust.
    • Increase your success rate
      With the Materialise Magics Sinter Module, you can achieve more parts at higher quality while saving on material. ¡Increase the success of your printings!

    Adapt the nesting of parts to your needs

    Materialise Magics Sinter Module is based on the premise that every 3D printing environment must have its own needs and strategies. For this reason, it allows the configuration of the parameters to be adapted to each situation.

    • Allocate the freedom of rotation for each individual part in 15° steps.
    • Assign freedom of movement to each party individually.
    • Analyze and optimize the distribution of each layer.
    • Define hollow areas.
    • Assign priorities to the parts.
    • Create protective housings to group small parts and protect fragile parts.
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    Magics Structures Module

    Transform your solid models into lightweight parts.

    The Materialise Magics Structures Module allows you to transfer a solid 3D model to a much lighter version. You can apply a grid structure to reduce the weight of the design or reinforce it. Take a look at four of the reasons why you should choose the Materialise Magics Structures module.

    ¿Why choose the Materialise Magics Sinter module?

    • Save material
      Once the hollow design is created, you can add drain holes to remove excess material and reduce consumption. This will also reduce the production costs.
    • Keep the temperature
      Since a model with structures requires less scanning, the generated heat can be kept under control and the distorsion during construction can be reduced.
    • Improve your design
      Keep your model’s design intact, while reducing its weight and create porous designs. Use the structure library or design your own cell structures to create networks.
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    Materialise Build Processor

    Build Processor is an easy-to-use software that simplifies the 3D printing process. It combines high-performance cutting algorithms with perfect integration from data preparation, through design and construction configuration, to the construction of parts in the printer.

    ¿Por qué elegir el módulo Materialise Build Processor?

    • Trust the machine’s communication standard
      To communicate your file to the printer, you need specialized software. Materialise Build Processor is considered the standard software for communicating and monitoring AM machines.
    • Discover the complete platorm
      Our offer is not limited to the machine’s communication software. You can benefit from integration with data preparation and other software of Materialise Magics 3D Print Suite.
    • Benefit from our partnerships
      Materialise has solid partnerships with most of the major AM machine manufacturers worldwide. This means that we can update our software according to the machine manufacturers’ developments.
    • Handle huge files easily
      ¿Do you experiment dificulties with handling large files? Our cutting-based technology avoids large files by omitting the demanding triangulation to an intermediate STL file and generating the desired geometry at the cutting level.
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    HP 3D Printing

    HP 3D Process Control

    HP 3D Process Control HP 3D Center HP SmartStream 3D Build Manager Integration with industry-leading software solutions.

    Achieve dimensional accuracy and repeatability capable of competing with industrial machinery…faster.

    Flexibility and agility, requiring no time, manpower and steps associated to the fine adjustment of molding by injection.

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    HP 3D Center

    Track, manage and optimize your 3D processes with software that provides real-time remote supervision, preventive notifications and history data analysis.

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    HP SmartStream 3D Buid Manager

    Prepare your printing jobs in a fast and easy way with all the elements you need.

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