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    logo_Carbon 2

      W e b i n a r 
       March 10th 16h  

    The logical evolution in manufacturing dental materials.
    How can you get the most of your dental laboratory with Carbon’s technology and materials? What are the advantages of the additive manufacturing in the production of dental materials?

    stl ferulas
    dental carbon

    Carbon and Maquinser join forces in this online seminar to briefly but concisely explain the added value of the American company’s technology and the differences in methodology and applications compared to other brands on the market today.

    Talk directly to the experts and solve any doubts you may have about integrating technology into your lab. Learn how to combine traditional working methods with new technologies, get stronger materials, with better adjustments and quick delivery. Save costs, repeat productions easily…

    A worldwide production with Carbon technology of more than 100,000 LDP dentures is our guarantee. Register, we will be pleased to meet you and help you.


    Jamie Stover
    Sr. Manager of Dental Lab Applications


    Antoine Guyot
    Channel Sales Director


    Asier Alburquerque
    Technical Manager 3D Maquinser

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